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Visnyk LNAU: Architecture and Farm Building 2018 №19: 197-203


H. Nesterenko, Candidate of Economic Sciences (PHD)
Lviv National Agrarian University


The article is devoted to particularities of pricing for the works of technical inventory and their regulatory base under modern conditions. Current problems at the market of works of technical inventory are forced by legislative changes, which happened in the system of authorities of state registration of the rights for real estate objects and participants of the market of technical inventory works in 2012. Those problems occur because there is no order of introduction of common rules of pricing for technical inventory works for BTI and private enterprises, working at the same market.

In 2013, extension of the number of participants at the market of technical inventory works resulted in appearance of new participants of the market (private structures), having no access to the property inventory files, earlier done by the TIB. They made customized works and formed new property inventory files for the objects, which had been already subjected to inventory. The described condi-tions caused the situation when there were several property inventory files for one object of real estate at several business entities. The fact deteriorates the point 1.5 of the chapter 1 of the Instruction and causes negative consequences for consum-ers of such services.

Practically, it forced the situation when the person, who requested tech-nical inventory, could personally choose who had to perform the work, but he/she faced the difficulties concerning administrative service of state registration of property rights for the real estate object, because a communal TIB refused to sup-ply a certificate about presence or absence registered property right due to the fact that the works of technical inventory had not been performed by the Bureau, but by a private structure. The described problems can be solved by means of im-provement and approval of the Law of Ukraine “About technical inventory for real estate objects” which will introduce: control for performance of technical in-ventory works with determination of responsibility of the market participants for violation of the requirements and order of the works performance; recording of business entities, i.e. performers of technical inventory works, with mentioning of their names and addresses; a common approach to calculation of the value of in-formation certificates, particularly about presence or absence of the registered right of ownership for a real estate object, for all participants of the market of technical inventory works; order of the access for the business entities, performing technical inventory, to the materials of technical inventory and property inventory files for a real estate object, supplying liquidation of double property inventory files for one object of real estate, as well as renovation and accumulation of the materials of technical inventory in one property inventory file; order of mainte-nance of archive materials of technical inventory and property inventory files with the further determination of a body, responsible for formation and maintenance of the archive, as well as terms of transfer of the materials and files to the archive.


technical inventory for real estate objects, pricing, local government, inventory activity, bureau of technical inventory

Full text



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