Influence of systems of extraction on the dynamics of instable gumus in brief rotational sizoimmens

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Visnyk LNAU: Agronomy 2019 №23: 234-237

Influence of systems of extraction on the dynamics of instable gumus in brief rotational sizoimmens

Kachmar O., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-0382-6030
Vavrynovych O., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-3466-1432
Dubitska A., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-5685-0237
Dubytskyi O., Candidate of Biological Sciences
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-8293-4119
Shcherba M., Senior Scientific Cjllaboration
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-0773-6382
Institute of Agriculture of the Carpathian region NAAS


The results of investigations of the influence of traditional and alternative fertilizer systems and precursors on the regularities of changes of labile and water soluble humus substances under winter wheat crops in short rotation crop rotations under conditions of a two-factor stationary experiment laid on a gray forest surface gleyed soil are given.

It was established that processes of transformation of unstable humus substances were influenced both by precursors and fertilizer systems. At the time of seedlings of culture on uncooled backgrounds, a higher accumulation of labile (354,12 mg/100 g of soil) and water-soluble (11,63 mg/100 g) humus was observed after the predecessor of the clover of the ray. The lower values of these indicators were acquired after peas, respectively, 336,23 and 11,43 mg/100 g. The lowest activity of humus accumulation (285,34 and 10,85 mg/100 g) was observed after corn. Significant values in the course of transformation processes were fertilizer systems. The level of their influence was much higher than the predecessors. Analysis of the dynamics of formation of labile and water-soluble humus compounds showed the advantages of the traditional organomechanical layout. In the initial phases of vegetation cultivation, with the direct introduction of 40 t/ha of manure under winter wheat and N60P90K90 mineral fertilizers (single dose), even with the forerunner of winter wheat, 521,47 mg/100 g of labile and 20,46 mg/100 g of water-soluble humus were provided. In the post-fertilization of manure, introduced in the crop rotation under the predecessors, the most effective was the application of the same level of mineral nutrition after the clover ray (respectively 467,07 and 18,52 mg/100 g). The combined effect of wheat straw of winter, post-drought radish of oilseed cedar culture and half-doses of mineral fertilizers also provided the highest values of mobile humus substances in an alternative fertilizer system (481,12 and 19,55 mg/100 g) in repeated winter wheat crops.

Key words

crop rotation, fertilizer systems, labile humus, water-soluble humus

Full text



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